Huwebes, Marso 14, 2013

Mother Earth needs more than Words

Nurjesa J. Usop

" We should take care of our environment....we should plant trees, we should not throw our garbage
 anywhere because these will cause pollution and damage  our  environment..." , and so much more. Actually it is not our first time to hear this lines in essays and speeches but we know that this lines are not yet internalize, we just agree about the statement but we know deep in ourselves that this remains a vision.

I was walking in the street, together with my classmate who just won an essay writing contest about "keeping our environment clean and green" well I didn't expect that she had thrown the plastic that she was holding and I asked her,'' Are you aware of what you did or you're just trying to sell the name of being an environmentalist just to own fame?". Sounds Dramatic but I was carried away.

Sometimes we notice politicians state in their platforms  "Keeping the environment clean and green...",sounds quite irritating  because after they acquired the desired position, they just take everything for granted. Especially during candidacy, their faces are paste everywhere,posters are just set aside after election, they don't even realize how long it takes for their faces to decay from those posters.
Every time when I went to the wet market, I bring a bayong because I don't like to see plastic bags, overlapping, masyadong makaluma, according to some, but I know that in a simple and thoughtful way, what I did is a big helped.

These are just one of the few things that we can see most of the time but because we don't have the understanding we couldn't identify, that we did  wrong is still invisible in the eyes of the majority.

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