Huwebes, Marso 14, 2013

Coffee addict

Ryan Y. Matanlong

When an exam or a defense is fast approaching, coffee is one of the trusted friends of college students. It has        stimulating agent that heightens the stimulation of the nervous system and keeps the consumer awake and alert during the period of consumption.

 Coffee consumption has generally been shown to have little or no impact on cancer development according to studies, while the antioxidants that is  present in coffee has been shown to prevent  the cause of  cell damage. Aside of its advantages it also has insignificance. Excessive amounts of coffee can cause very unpleasant and even life-threatening effect because after being energized by the caffeine It slows down nervous system .

For being one of the most primary consumption in the United States, September 29 is celebrated as National Coffee Day.

Well, as consumers we had responsibilities especially in our health. We must attain discipline .  

Mother Earth needs more than Words

Nurjesa J. Usop

" We should take care of our environment....we should plant trees, we should not throw our garbage
 anywhere because these will cause pollution and damage  our  environment..." , and so much more. Actually it is not our first time to hear this lines in essays and speeches but we know that this lines are not yet internalize, we just agree about the statement but we know deep in ourselves that this remains a vision.

I was walking in the street, together with my classmate who just won an essay writing contest about "keeping our environment clean and green" well I didn't expect that she had thrown the plastic that she was holding and I asked her,'' Are you aware of what you did or you're just trying to sell the name of being an environmentalist just to own fame?". Sounds Dramatic but I was carried away.

Sometimes we notice politicians state in their platforms  "Keeping the environment clean and green...",sounds quite irritating  because after they acquired the desired position, they just take everything for granted. Especially during candidacy, their faces are paste everywhere,posters are just set aside after election, they don't even realize how long it takes for their faces to decay from those posters.
Every time when I went to the wet market, I bring a bayong because I don't like to see plastic bags, overlapping, masyadong makaluma, according to some, but I know that in a simple and thoughtful way, what I did is a big helped.

These are just one of the few things that we can see most of the time but because we don't have the understanding we couldn't identify, that we did  wrong is still invisible in the eyes of the majority.

Ambiguous Choice

Karin Jean Seniel

 I know that this article is not that organize but it came from the heart. I am not writer, but I believe that whatever you wrote, as long as it came from the heart and mind, you can have the power to touch an individuals heart and mind too.

I don't know when was the last time I argued with my friends, not once, not twice. Well that's natural especially  teenagers. How many times we argued to our parents, for spending our time in the internet cafe playing games, spending much of  our allowances, failing our subjects and cutting our classes. We couldn't deny the fact that we do such things even once in our life, until one day I realize, we don't have to wait for the right time to make changes.

Going back to the point, one thing I want to highlight, are we great for what we did? Are we happy for hurting our parents and other people? I don't know whats on your mind, but try to recall something you did good once in yourself and to others, how does it feels?
 Being good doesn't mean that you are trying to be a part of what is Ideal in the eyes of the crowd but it is a means of finding your true happiness. True happiness is a piece in our heart that  gives us contentment not satisfaction. Trying to be good is really difficult to do, but it is worth trying."Nobody's perfect", according to a cliche', that's right! We're just humans who commit mistakes but we are the most complex animal according to some scientists because we have this self-awareness, we are capable of accepting criticism from others. But it's up to us if we change or not, again and again, it's not a matter of chance but a matter of choice.  Let's relate it to  reality, When we are riding a bus full of  passengers it's up to us to sit or not.
Actually I don't know how to end this, funny...Its like riding a vehicle without a steering wheel. Totally ambiguous. Totally strange.

Linggo, Marso 10, 2013

Spiritually Healthy

When we hear the word healthy, we often understand that it is a state of having good condition in one's self physically. But being healthy  is not only measured in physical aspect, it also includes emotional, mental, social and spiritual so that we can say that a person is completely healthy. Yes. Health must be observed in all aspects in our lives to maintain harmony and avoid imbalance in our day to day living. "Health is wealth", as an old saying goes. Among all aspects, spiritual is the most important and should be treasured. Why? Mainly because the spiritual aspect of our lives is the foundation of what we are. For an instance, the things that we believe about God and any similar things we embraced in. Moreover, it doesn't matter what religion are we into and dogmas we have as long as it makes our lives positive, productive and spiritually healthy. 

By: Rommel G. Uraga

Huwebes, Enero 3, 2013

Learn to say NO?

           Many people especially the young age are the most prone to temptations and evilness.It is because at this stage of life young people possess great enthusiasm with regards to matters that make them feel happy.At this age, people are very hyper to such activities .

           To be specific,Freshmen college students are one of the most affected.Although getting involve is part of social development, it is not also good to tolerate such thing just because you want to have fun.Learn to set aside unnecessary things.You must remember  that everything has a right time .Let set for example,tomorrow is the last day of submission of your project at the same time your friends are inviting you to a party.What will you choose? What is the most important?Having great fun with your peers or accomplishing  your project successfully without delaying time?Think about it.

           It's a huge burden for people who don't know how to refuse,but a big advantage for those who value the most important to the least important.

           Learning to say NO is not being kill joy but it's a way of valuing yourself.


Puppy Love

Puppy Love

                  Puppy love!

                 A common notion of teenage feelings towards its opposite sex. It is a feeling that sometimes describes on individual's admiration to a person, sometimes its because on their environmental influences such as peer, why teenager experience such thing.This reaction are typical especially on teenagers.
                  Puppy love has advantages,when teenagers are inspired they are starting to be meticulous in terms of their hygiene,grooming and confident yo appear in front of their crushes or bf/gf . On the other hand puppy love has also disadvantages, teenagers cannot concentrate on their studies because they are thinking too much and worse they are starting to oppose their parents.
                  Teenagers feel that puppy love is what they called true love but puppy love is more on admiration than affection. And it will lead to premarital relationship and premarital relationship is one of the causes of unwanted pregnancies. 
                  Puppy love is a tame word but never take it for granted.

by: Karin Jean L. Seniel

Biyernes, Nobyembre 23, 2012

Marks of a True Christian

Marks of a True Christian

            Noranian means follower of Nora. Christian means follower of Christ. Most people are claiming they are Christian but have you ever tried to ask your self, “Am I a true Christian?” How can you say ‘that man is a Christian?’ What are your references?

            First, a true Christian shows no partiality (James 2:1-13). Most people are showing partiality between rich and poor. Some are showing more care and more attention to those who are wearing gold ring and fine clothing. God says, ‘He chooses those who are poor in the world to be rich in faith and heirs of the kingdom, which He has promised to those who love Him’. A true Christian shows no partiality and loves others as he loves himself. Second, a true Christian lives like Christ (1 Peter 2:20-25). Christ suffered for us. If you are suffering and experiencing great challenges and troubles in life for being a Christian, then be happy for God will reward you in heaven. Christ carries His cross, then we as Christians must carry our cross too and follow Him. Third, a true Christian lives for Christ (1 Timothy 2:3-6; Matthew 16:24). If we live our lives for Christ, we must acknowledge Him for best or for worst. A true Christian sings and dance for Christ and not for the world. A true Christian offers his life to God. He follows not his own will but follows God's commandments. Fourth, a true Christian lives with Christ (Philippians 4:13). He thinks no negative and all his words are positive. He has a big faith for he believes that he can do all things through Christ who strengthens him.

            Have the marks of a true Christian and you can proudly say, “I am a true Christian”.

by: Lorry Lae B. Mangquit