Huwebes, Enero 3, 2013

Learn to say NO?

           Many people especially the young age are the most prone to temptations and evilness.It is because at this stage of life young people possess great enthusiasm with regards to matters that make them feel happy.At this age, people are very hyper to such activities .

           To be specific,Freshmen college students are one of the most affected.Although getting involve is part of social development, it is not also good to tolerate such thing just because you want to have fun.Learn to set aside unnecessary things.You must remember  that everything has a right time .Let set for example,tomorrow is the last day of submission of your project at the same time your friends are inviting you to a party.What will you choose? What is the most important?Having great fun with your peers or accomplishing  your project successfully without delaying time?Think about it.

           It's a huge burden for people who don't know how to refuse,but a big advantage for those who value the most important to the least important.

           Learning to say NO is not being kill joy but it's a way of valuing yourself.


Puppy Love

Puppy Love

                  Puppy love!

                 A common notion of teenage feelings towards its opposite sex. It is a feeling that sometimes describes on individual's admiration to a person, sometimes its because on their environmental influences such as peer, why teenager experience such thing.This reaction are typical especially on teenagers.
                  Puppy love has advantages,when teenagers are inspired they are starting to be meticulous in terms of their hygiene,grooming and confident yo appear in front of their crushes or bf/gf . On the other hand puppy love has also disadvantages, teenagers cannot concentrate on their studies because they are thinking too much and worse they are starting to oppose their parents.
                  Teenagers feel that puppy love is what they called true love but puppy love is more on admiration than affection. And it will lead to premarital relationship and premarital relationship is one of the causes of unwanted pregnancies. 
                  Puppy love is a tame word but never take it for granted.

by: Karin Jean L. Seniel