Biyernes, Nobyembre 23, 2012

Marks of a True Christian

Marks of a True Christian

            Noranian means follower of Nora. Christian means follower of Christ. Most people are claiming they are Christian but have you ever tried to ask your self, “Am I a true Christian?” How can you say ‘that man is a Christian?’ What are your references?

            First, a true Christian shows no partiality (James 2:1-13). Most people are showing partiality between rich and poor. Some are showing more care and more attention to those who are wearing gold ring and fine clothing. God says, ‘He chooses those who are poor in the world to be rich in faith and heirs of the kingdom, which He has promised to those who love Him’. A true Christian shows no partiality and loves others as he loves himself. Second, a true Christian lives like Christ (1 Peter 2:20-25). Christ suffered for us. If you are suffering and experiencing great challenges and troubles in life for being a Christian, then be happy for God will reward you in heaven. Christ carries His cross, then we as Christians must carry our cross too and follow Him. Third, a true Christian lives for Christ (1 Timothy 2:3-6; Matthew 16:24). If we live our lives for Christ, we must acknowledge Him for best or for worst. A true Christian sings and dance for Christ and not for the world. A true Christian offers his life to God. He follows not his own will but follows God's commandments. Fourth, a true Christian lives with Christ (Philippians 4:13). He thinks no negative and all his words are positive. He has a big faith for he believes that he can do all things through Christ who strengthens him.

            Have the marks of a true Christian and you can proudly say, “I am a true Christian”.

by: Lorry Lae B. Mangquit

Huwebes, Nobyembre 22, 2012

"Filipinos: up-to-date or up -to-late?"

        Maybe I am not the first person to say this but I guess it isn't right to be stereo type.

        Once you are late in a meeting your boss or co-worker might say ; "what took you so long? Filipino time again?" or maybe, " Why ya people keep your watch set in Filipino time?"A lot of people shared their statements about this but the same thought is condensed. Once you talk about Filipino time,it will definitely conclude in one's mind ,"incompetent".Have you ever observed weddings,meetings and other conventions?Instead of starting early,it will start just about few more hours from the said time.

         Actually,we are  not alone,we are not the only one who suffer this syndrome.Since this is a universal weakness in any race,even our neighboring country Indonesia has their jam karet which means rubber time and maniana habit respectively .

         Good to know that the government isn't deaf and they never wanted to tolerate this.The former President Fidel V. Ramos,in his Proclamation No.767,states that the Philippines will implement a week of Time Consciousness starting from April 12-28 as National Consciousness Week for Punctuality and Civility.

          Just a reminder people of the Philippines,everything will be useless if we will always believe that being late is in our blood.Instead of planting in our minds that Filipino time is tardiness,how about changing the meaning of it,starting from changing our point of views?It has been stated by Ph.D Gil G. Fernandez(2000)in an article of the book entitled Health & Home that Filipino time is being on time.Think about when you come too early and you have wasted your time waiting for others ,that's American Time.And  when you come too late,other people will suffer because of your tardiness,that's Spanish Time,But when you come at very nick of time without wasting the time of others nor your's,that's Filipino Time.So,it's unfair to judge ourselves,we Filipinos value time more and we don't want others to suffer just because we didn't come early or waste our time just because of other people.Agree?


 Usop,Nurjesa J.